Karen Millen's clothes understand exactly what a woman wants – they create shapes and lines that you never thought was possible. In Karen’s world, you can be both modern and sharp or soft and feminine, which cannot be more essential for any sophisticated and elegant woman.
Today I decided to pay her a visit since we have not touch base for a while and was utterly swept of my feet – literally.
There they were calling to me lovingly while flaunting their fatale allure, three sirens standing at 10cm tall, wrapped in delicate lace and ruffles. They each had a character of their own but all will only give the greatest pleasure one will ever know.
These white satin courts stand at 10cm tall with contrasting, delicate black lace print. The back of heel has a multiple bow with black lace again, simply lovely. And the heel, the black lacquered heel is the only sign that reveals any hint of the fatale allure veiled beneath the lace.

With coral as the “it” colour for this season, one needs to tread carefully to avoid having the “little mermaid” effect. First, being a staunch believer that ALL colours goes well with ALL skin colours (with the exception that ONLY Rihanna can carry off fluorescent pink lips and still look glamourous), I dismiss all excuses that coral is not for everyone – what a bucket of nonsense. However, coral being a bright, attention grabbing colour can be complementary when applied appropriately and catastrophic when not. Unless you have the hip width of an 11 year old boy, avoid wearing coral skirts or pants; or atleast keep it to the minimal. Coral tops, blouse, dresses, socks, accessories and SHOES are marvelous.
These coral laced courts immediately caught my eye and stood out like a beauty among the rest of the blacks and grey. It was beautiful and elegant – yet the candy colour and the ruffled corsage sitting daintily on the heel were just begging to be taken out dancing and partying!

Despite being the last, I wouldn’t quite say these pair of heels are my best of the three as they each had their own allure. These black on red courts with cut out detailing and scallop patterns were however the fiercest and sexiest among the three and I always had a soft spot for anything fierce and sexy.
