A Cat's eye for Fashion (& Films)
Recently while flipping through the new collection images from SS10, an inspiration for this blog came to mind.
Whenever I come across an inspiring of interesting image, I always make a mental note of what I like about the style and how to transfer it into my own and the general street style. However, my problem is that I never save these images and I’ve learnt from countless experience that I regret my actions greatly. Because style is evolutionary and continuous. In the future, I will see certain styles that reminds of a certain image I saw some time ago and for some reasons and to a great degree of frustration, I can never find those images again.
Taking cue from the lookbook concept that fashion people have been using for ages, I’ve decided that it’s high time that I have my own lookbook. Sorta like a scrapbook with fashion images and style notes. I was a bit hesitant with the idea initially, as it will be the first time I try an angle on this blog that’s dedicated almost entirely for myself. But on the other hand, it would be great to share some of my style notes with you and let the images inspire you too. :-)
Hope you’ll enjoy the images and find them useful for your own style notes too.
In my recent fashion transition and reflections, one of the main issues that kept surfacing was my thoughts on Danish fashion and how it compares with the rest of the world (read: mainstream). This of course, is a very general statement as Danish fashion can be mainstream and every fashion capital has its own fashion signature.
When I first encountered Danish fashion (not to be confused with Danish design, which refers to the Dane’s renowned eloquent furniture / home design), my first impression was amused. Then followed by dislike and aversion towards certain styles that clashed with what I considered as tasteful or chic. But to my utter surprise, years later (after some major conditioning and brainwashing) I found myself appreciating and even wearing styles that I openly criticized before. I guess it’s a bit like meeting a new culture or fitting into a new team. First there’s the encounter (Forming), then there are clashes (Storming), then you start to learn and appreciate the new things (Norming), and lastly, you’re so conditioned to the new style that you start adopting it yourself (Performing, voila!). In my case, I’m embracing the Danish fashion like I never would’ve imagined 4 years ago.
Curious fact: the point when I knew for certain that I have crossed to the “dark” side was when I actually considered buying BLACK socks to go with my gym trainers.
Danish fashion has a very distinct style of its own. Some locals claim that it has inspired fashion trends in the rest of the world (this is where people from other fashion capital, like
However, being unique in a business that’s undeniably driven by mainstream forces has its cons. The recent financial showdown acted like a giant broom that came and swept everyone away. Those who were strong hung on, while the rest as we know are history. OK, that was a bit dramatic; several strong-willed ones are still hanging on but barely. It was a major shake up that slapped the reality of how money IS everything, even for artists. To create art, you need to money. To make money, you need to create things that sell. Being uniquely Danish (read: appealing exclusively for Danes) as fashion is here, I’ve always pondered whether that’s a good thing for them. Being a small country of not more than 6 million people (fun facts: there are 24 million pigs in the country), the fashion industry has a very small market to thrive on. To be successful, one must look abroad.
Recently, I ran casual survey among friends, asking them if they could name a Danish fashion designer or any Danish clothing label that is successful internationally. You try.
Precisely. It is debatable whether it is important to be internationally renowned, but when you start something in a highly competitive industry such as fashion, and in a market where your target group derives from a pool of 5 million people, you should instinctively be compelled to look beyond borders – literally outside the box.
The Danish fashion industry needs to stop trying to be the world’s best kept secret. More visibility needs to be created and they can start by delivering more (and this is where all artistic people are going to shoot me) commercial pieces. Create a balanced collection that offers commercial pieces that will sell and support the more exclusive, more avant-garde pieces. Simply put – creating designs that can translate into money, money that will fuel their work and ultimately the fuel fire of their passion.
Another suggestion is to understand and respect your consumers’ buying power. The past 12 months have taught us that expensive haute couture probably isn’t the best strategy at the moment, as Christian Lacroix and Escada have sadly shown us. It’s no secret that many fashion houses do not make profits. But it isn’t romantic anymore to be a luxurious but poor brand; instead, it’s savvier to be a label that hits the right note on key trends and with prices that encourage your consumers to do what they do best – buy!
I love Danish fashion and appreciate its adventurous styles and laid back attitude. Which is even more the reason that I want it to thrive and bring more of its fun, quirky designs to the rest of the world.
I read somewhere last year that the age of blogging will peak in 2009 and go downwards from there. With Twitter and Facebook in sight, this prediction might be realized sooner than we think – or just be proven untrue. Being one who constantly keep an open mind towards new technology and advancement (or just pure fear of being “old” and closed towards progress), I welcome all possibilities. Something which has been in my thoughts the past months when I saw the growing breaks between entries.
Which brings to me to my next point.
On November 2008, I achieved the first part of my dream to work with fashion. I was hired to work in a newly established PR agency that became the world’s first online luxury showroom. It was a match made in fashion heaven – my IT background and passion for fashion brought the perfect combination for the position. Before this job, it was always a little work here and there, mostly indirect and unofficial. So when this job finally happened, it was like a dream come true (so cliché). With a lot of realities of course – like working for free and taking everything else as a bonus.
However, this transition (which I’m still going through!) has left me a bit in doubt on what I want to express on this blog. My thoughts and opinions are in transition. What I considered less before now has greater meanings. I find this interesting and exciting at the same time – and maybe I wish this process will continue as long as it doesn’t become too confusing.
With that in mind, I’d like to invite you to take this journey with me in discovering this blog’s identity and my style transition.